What is Memento Muse?

This blog is about creating a life of meaning. I’ve never felt the traditional lifestyle of a 9-5 was for me, to put it accurately, I’ve felt strongly that I’m living a life that is not my own, but rather based in expectation. Not saying that I personally believe there is anything inherently wrong with a traditional path. To define it, traditional path being, high school, college, and then go to work for a company to make money. And with that money bearing responsibility, raise a family, and provide. Rather, I believe it’s extremely honorable and selfless to work, make money, and that money serving the function to support you, family, and community. And it’s not a path that I have avoided per se. For context, immediately after graduating from the University of Southern California in 2018, I began grinding in Commercial Real Estate as a broker. Fast forward 7 years, and after years of swinging on the pendulum of success and failure, I came to the resolution this isn’t it. Financially, I came off the best year I ever had, generated an income that would be considered meaningfully above average, but nothing that would be an inexhaustible nest egg. I lived in Manhattan Beach CA, being able to walk down to the beach and surf, but still, empty. Moved back to TX, to be closer to my family and close friends, I continued working for the same firm, but still I woke up each day to put it precisely, dreading the day. Which begged, is this how I want to live in perpetuity? I consistently came to, no matter how daunting the thought of losing what I had so painstakingly built, what was known to me, and disappointing those close to me, the vision of being on my deathbed and looking back at my life seeing that I lived a life doing what was expected of me, pleasing others, and working a job I knew to my core didn’t align with who I am was an absolute, fuck no.

So, I write this living at home in Dallas with my Mom and Step Dad, don’t have a job, but earnestly working towards creating a life of meaning. So where do we begin? I don’t know. But as a metaphorical North Star, I’m following the muse. I’ve created this blog in hopes of creating a life that I find meaningful, and maybe if I ultimately do, this blog inspires others to overcome their fears and follow their muse.

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